Dataaxy - Jobs & Talents in Data and Artificial Intelligence

Job Board and Reverse Job Board specialized in Data

  • Web Development & SEO
  • Marving
  • 1 year

Web Development

This project has been my first production-ready project as a Full Stack Developer. Implementing a scalable and robust Back-End and Front-end with the following stack:

  • Next.js (Full Stack Framework based en React.js and Node.js)
  • Postgre SQL & Prisma (ORM) for the database
  • Prismic (Headless CMS) for managing the content
  • SendinBlue (Brevo) for managing emailings
  • Stripe for the payment system

It has been challenging, but rich in learning.

SEO Strategy

In developing a comprehensive SEO strategy for Dataaxy, a leading-edge job and recruitment platform, our focus was on penetrating the highly competitive job market through a meticulously crafted approach. We targeted keywords with low difficulty yet high intent, alongside medium difficulty but long-tail keywords. This strategy was not just about ranking higher in search engine results; it was about reaching the right audience with precision and relevance.

The core of our strategy revolved around covering 80% of the main types of searches typically conducted by Data Specialists. This targeted approach allowed us to address the specific needs and queries of our audience effectively. Here are the key areas we focused on:

Job Name Research

Recognizing the primary need of our users, we targeted specific job titles like “Data Analyst Jobs” and “AI Engineer Jobs”.

This ensured that when potential job seekers were looking for these roles, Dataaxy appeared prominently in their search results, directly connecting them with relevant opportunities.

Job and Location Research

We understood that location is a critical factor for job seekers. Therefore, we optimized for location-specific searches such as “data science jobs Boston”, “data analyst jobs Montreal”, and the ever-popular “jobs near me”. This localized SEO strategy helped in capturing the attention of job seekers in various regions, making Dataaxy a go-to resource for localized job hunting.

Screenshot of footer of dataaxy

Guides on Specific HR Matters

To provide comprehensive support to our users, we delved into creating content around HR-related queries. This included salary guides like “SQL data analyst salary” and “data analyst salary Ohio”, comparisons such as “big data vs business intelligence”, and resources like resume examples (“machine learning engineer resume”) and general tools (“best laptop for data analyst, data visualization tools, etc.”). Such content not only aided in SEO but also positioned Dataaxy as an authority in the employment domain, offering valuable insights and resources beyond job listings.

dataaxy guide page

By strategically targeting these areas, our SEO efforts were not just about increasing visibility, but also about enhancing the user experience and providing value. This approach led to significant improvements in organic traffic and user engagement, solidifying Dataaxy's position in the competitive job market.

Client overview

Revolutionizing the Job Search Experience

In the dynamic landscape of job hunting and recruitment, Dataaxy emerges as a trailblazer, redefining the way employers and job seekers connect. At its core, Dataaxy is an innovative platform that uniquely blends the functionalities of a job board with the proactive approach of a reversed job board. This fusion creates a synergistic environment where opportunities are not just listed, but actively matched with the right candidates.

Dataaxy's platform is intelligently designed to cater to a wide range of industries and professions, offering a streamlined, user-friendly experience. For jobseekers, it's more than just a portal to browse listings; it's a gateway to a plethora of opportunities tailored to their skills and aspirations. On the flip side, employers benefit from a refined pool of candidates, ensuring that each job posting attracts qualified, interested applicants. By simplifying and enhancing the recruitment process, Dataaxy stands as a pivotal resource in the modern employment landscape.

dataaxy screenshot



Pillar Pages


MRR Reached


Organic Keywords


Organic Traffic

Web Development

This project has been my first production-ready project as a Full Stack Developer. Implementing a scalable and robust Back-End and Front-end with the following stack:

  • Next.js (Full Stack Framework based en React.js and Node.js)
  • Postgre SQL & Prisma (ORM) for the database
  • Prismic (Headless CMS) for managing the content
  • SendinBlue (Brevo) for managing emailings
  • Stripe for the payment system

It has been challenging, but rich in learning.

SEO Strategy

In developing a comprehensive SEO strategy for Dataaxy, a leading-edge job and recruitment platform, our focus was on penetrating the highly competitive job market through a meticulously crafted approach. We targeted keywords with low difficulty yet high intent, alongside medium difficulty but long-tail keywords. This strategy was not just about ranking higher in search engine results; it was about reaching the right audience with precision and relevance.

The core of our strategy revolved around covering 80% of the main types of searches typically conducted by Data Specialists. This targeted approach allowed us to address the specific needs and queries of our audience effectively. Here are the key areas we focused on:

Job Name Research

Recognizing the primary need of our users, we targeted specific job titles like “Data Analyst Jobs” and “AI Engineer Jobs”.

This ensured that when potential job seekers were looking for these roles, Dataaxy appeared prominently in their search results, directly connecting them with relevant opportunities.

Job and Location Research

We understood that location is a critical factor for job seekers. Therefore, we optimized for location-specific searches such as “data science jobs Boston”, “data analyst jobs Montreal”, and the ever-popular “jobs near me”. This localized SEO strategy helped in capturing the attention of job seekers in various regions, making Dataaxy a go-to resource for localized job hunting.

Guides on Specific HR Matters

To provide comprehensive support to our users, we delved into creating content around HR-related queries. This included salary guides like “SQL data analyst salary” and “data analyst salary Ohio”, comparisons such as “big data vs business intelligence”, and resources like resume examples (“machine learning engineer resume”) and general tools (“best laptop for data analyst, data visualization tools, etc.”). Such content not only aided in SEO but also positioned Dataaxy as an authority in the employment domain, offering valuable insights and resources beyond job listings.

By strategically targeting these areas, our SEO efforts were not just about increasing visibility, but also about enhancing the user experience and providing value. This approach led to significant improvements in organic traffic and user engagement, solidifying Dataaxy's position in the competitive job market.

Strategic Link-Building:

In the initial stages of establishing Dataaxy's digital footprint, we adopted a pragmatic approach towards link-building. Given that Dataaxy was a new domain in the vast online space, we were open to securing links from qualified directories and more generalist niches. This included placements on websites discussing startups or tech-related topics, which provided the foundational backlinks necessary for initial SEO traction.

As Dataaxy's presence evolved, our link-building strategy underwent a significant shift. We began to focus our efforts more intensely on websites and media outlets specifically dedicated to AI and Data matters.

This targeted approach ensured that the backlinks were not only high in quality but also relevant to Dataaxy’s core audience and industry. By securing links from these niche, authoritative sources, we enhanced Dataaxy’s domain authority and relevance in the eyes of both search engines and potential users interested in data-related careers.

Link on github, on a repository talking about job boards:

remote jobs on github

Technical SEO:

To ensure that Dataaxy’s technical SEO foundation was robust and error-free, we employed a rigorous audit process using tools like Ahrefs and Screaming Frog. These weekly SEO audits allowed us to stay on top of any potential technical issues that could hinder the website's performance in search engine results. This constant monitoring and quick resolution of technical issues were pivotal in maintaining an SEO-friendly website that both users and search engines could easily navigate and understand.

Results and Achievements:

The SEO journey for Dataaxy, though still in its infancy at just 10 months, has already shown promising results. The recent addition of a more senior developer to the team two months ago has accelerated our progress. We have witnessed a notable improvement in our targeted keyword rankings, with a jump of about 20 positions.

keywords on ahrefs of dataaxy

This is a significant achievement, considering the highly competitive nature of the keywords in our industry and the formidable presence of established, larger companies in the same space.

Despite the challenges, our focused approach – balancing strategic link-building, meticulous technical SEO, and content optimization – has begun to yield results. We are steadily climbing the ranks in a fiercely competitive market, demonstrating the effectiveness and resilience of our SEO strategies.

While the journey to the top 5 rankings is challenging due to the high cost and competition associated with our industry's keywords, we are well-equipped and committed to making Dataaxy a dominant force in the AI and data job market.

First iteration

As the project is still new, this is a first iteration of the case study that will be improved and deepen down the road.

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